
  • Posted Oct 31, 2016

Here is a list of State Senate candidates and how they voted on the Safe Passing Law

We all know the importance of the presidential election, but there is a lot at stake at the state level, too.

We want to empower the community to know exactly who they’re voting for. Not just what they say, but how they actually vote.

Please take some time and make sure you are voting for the right candidates who will help us make Iowa a better and safer place to ride a bicycle.

Find Your Legislator
Candidate List - includes phone, address and email


Did you know that Iowa is only one of ELEVEN states that does NOT have a specific law for passing a bicyclist? 26 states have enacted a 3-feet passing law, 1 state has a 2-foot passing law and 2 states go beyond a 3-feet passing law.

How can Iowa be such a bicycle-friendly state yet allowing hundreds of overtaking crashes happen each year that kill and injure cyclists with little to no penalties toward the driver?


In 2016, the Iowa Senate voted on a bill which would have required vehicles to change lanes to pass cyclists. The bill PASSED the Senate, but was never voted on by the House of Representatives.

With this vote, all 50 State Senators now have a record of either being for or against cyclist safety on Iowa roadways.


When the Iowa Senate voted on Change Lanes to Pass (SF 2224) 12 State Senators voted AGAINST it:

Eight State Senators who voted AGAINST Change Lanes to Pass are up for re-election this November. Seven of them face challengers.

Jerry Behn (R - Boone - Senate District 24)
Up for re-election? YES
Challenger - Keith Puntenney

Tony Bisignano (D - Des Moines)
Up for re-election? NO

Michael Breitbach (R - Strawberry Point - Senate District 28)
Up for re-election? YES
Challenger - Jan Heikes

Jake Chapman (R - Adel - Senate District 10)
Up for re-election? YES
Challenger - Matt Paladino

Bill Dix (R - Shell Rock)
Up for re-election? NO

Dennis Guth (R - Klemme - Senate District 4)
Up for re-election? YES
Challenger - N/A

Charles Schneider (R - West Des Moines - Senate District 22)
Up for re-election? YES
Challenger - Andrew Barnes

Jason Schultz (R - Schleswig)
Up for re-election? NO

Rich Taylor (D - Mount Pleasant - Senate District 42)
Up for re-election? YES
Challenger - Danny Graber

Jack Whitver (R - Ankeny)
Up for re-election? NO

Brad Zaun (R - Urbandale - Senate District 20)
Up for re-election? YES
Challenger - Miyoko Hikiji

Dan Zumbach (R - Ryan - Senate District 48)
Up for re-election? YES
Challenger - Scott Peterson


When the Iowa Senate voted on Change Lanes to Pass (SF 2224) 38 State Senators voted FOR it.

Sixteen State Senators who voted in favor of Change Lanes to Pass are up for re-election this November. Look for them on your ballot. They have been pro-bike.

Chaz Allen
Up for re-election? NO

Bill Anderson
Up for re-election? NO

Rick Bertrand
Up for re-election? NO

Joe Bolkcom
Up for re-election? NO

Tod Bowman
Up for re-election? NO

Chris Brase (Senate District 46)
Up for re-election? YES

Mark Chelgren
Up for re-election? NO

Mark Costello (Senate District 12)
Up for re-election? YES

Thomas Courtney (Senate District 44)
Up for re-election? YES

Jeff Danielson (Senate District 30)
Up for re-election? YES

Dick Dearden
Up for re-election? NO

Bill Dotzler
Up for re-election? NO

Bob Dvorsky
Up for re-election? NO

Randy Feenstra (Senate District 2)
Up for re-election? YES

Julian Garrett
Up for re-election? NO

Michael E. Gronstal (Senate District 8)
Up for re-election? YES

Rita Hart
Up for re-election? NO

Robb Hogg
Up for re-election? NO

Wally Horn
Up for re-election? NO

Pam Jochum (Senate District 50)
Up for re-election? YES

David Johnson
Up for re-election? NO

Tim Kapucian (Senate District 38)
Up for re-election? YES

Kevin Kinney
Up for re-election? NO

Tim Kraayenbrink
Up for re-election? NO

Liz Mathis (Senate District 34)
Up for re-election? YES

Matt McCoy
Up for re-election? NO

Janet Petersen (Senate District 18)
Up for re-election? YES

Herman Quirmbach
Up for re-election? NO

Amanda Ragan
Up for re-election? NO

Ken Rozenboom (Senate District 40)
Up for re-election? YES

Brian Schoenjahn (Senate District 32)
Up for re-election? YES

Mark Segebart (Senate District 6)
Up for re-election? YES

Joe Seng (Deceased)
Up for re-election? NO

Tom Shipley
Up for re-election? NO

Amy Sinclair (Senate District 14)
Up for re-election? YES

Roby Smith
Up for re-election? NO

Steve Sodders (Senate District 36)
Up for re-election? YES

Mary Jo Wilhelm (Senate District 26)
Up for re-election? YES


Interesting how many of those who voted YES are from towns that have bicycle trails.

At least five State Senators represent towns in the Central Iowa Trails System where cyclists spent millions of dollars in their districts.

We hope this guide will help you make an informed decision during this election.








I'm Mike Knox and I'm running for a seat in our Iowa House of Representatives for district 49. I'm a Non-Party candidate asking people to "pick a person, not a party". I fully support legislation that will make our roadways safer and penalties more congruent with the catastrophic damages caused by not operating vehicles in a safe manner.

When I spoke with our current representative of district 49, Dave Deyoe, this spring, he was less than enthusiastic in his response to support these measures. So much so, it was the final catalyst for my candidacy.

Please check out my website and Facebook. Consider supporting me. It's an important issue and if you live in district 49, your vote is critical.

Mike Knox
Iowa House of Representatives Candidate District 49

#1 - MKNOX posted Nov 4, 2016

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