
  • Posted May 7, 2012

Team Bad Boy's Steve Cannon embarks on a 40 day RUN around Lake Michigan - the equivalent of 40 marathons.

Steve Cannon may be best known to the RAGBRAI crowd as one of the Team Bad Boys.

He is the guy who totes a charcoal grill made from a 55 gallon steel drum on the back of his bike and smokes meats. Yep, you've seen him and thought "What the..."

A couple of years ago, Steve RAN across Iowa in 11 days for the Lance Armstrong Foundation.

Another amazing feat I tell people about is the time Steve road his bicycle from Iowa to Colorado, ran a marathon and then rode his bicycle home! I remember doing Adventure races with Steve years ago. He has always been a fitness animal and an all around great guy with a big heart.

This is NOTHING compared to what he has planned for May 27th. Steve is about to kick off a 40-day run around Lake Michigan—the equivalent of 40 marathons—Steve Cannon explains the reason behind this outrageous run.


Inspired??? Check out his website and support him with a donation.
The Run to Cure Cancer

Steve's run leaves the Navy Pier in Chicago on May 27th at 8:00am.

Good Luck Steve!!

  • Source: WCIU
  • Author: ss
  • Posted By: ss
  • Modified: May 7, 2012 by ss








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