
  • Posted Jul 14, 2011

We'll be making a BIG list of what's happening on the BIG RIDE from July 24-30th. (updated Sat 7/22 9:05am)

If you got something going on the week of July 24-30, send and update and we'll post it here.

Much more to come! Updates posted here daily.

    ALL WEEK - Bikes to You from Grinnell has 75 BIKEIOWA Caps if ya want one... They'll be at the Expo and along the route.

    WEDNESDAY - Stop in Elkhart from 9-4 on Wed. One vendor will have a small supply of BIKEIOWA shirts, coozies and a few jerseys. very limited quantities... Free stickers too..

    WEDNESDAY - $2 Miller Lite tallboys at the Flat Tire Lounge in Madrid if you show them your Miller Lite spoke card. How to get one

    ALL WEEK - Where the Official RAGBRAI Bike Shops will be on RAGBRAI

    ALL WEEK - 2011 Miller Lite Party Schedule posted. click to view

    ALL WEEK -Team Brewhaha Bar Guide for the BIG RIDE next week is now available. Click their logo and then the "Bar Guide" link.

    ALL WEEK - Dave and crew from Connecticut Yankee Pedaller in Chariton will be on route all week at these locations.
    • Sunday - Lewis
    • Monday - Templeton
    • Tuesday - Churdan
    • Wednesday - Alleman
    • Thursday - Colfax
    • Friday - Victor
    • Saturday - Wilton

    ALL WEEK - The High Trestle Trail is offering spectacular views for FREE all week!

    WEDNESDAY - The Flat Tire Lounge in Madrid is located on the High Trestle Trail and will have a DJ,. breakfast, lunch and beer specials.

    ALL WEEK - Enjoy cold New Belgium products and register to WIN one of the 2011 New Belgium Cruisers at the following locations:

    ALL WEEK - Coop from Bikes to You will have a small supply of BIKEIOWA caps available. He will be at the RAGBRAI expo and along the route all week.

    ALL WEEK - Spread the good word about the Urban Assault Ride that is coming back to Des Moines on August 28th. Our goal is to cap-out the event and it takes 1500 to do so... 600 showed up last year and had a blast! Spread the word...

    MID WEEK - Our buddy Lance will return to Iowa to ride part of the RAGBRAI route. Specific days have not been released. Keep an eye out "On Your Left"...

    ALL WEEK - Use Team Good Beer's Bar Guide.. soon to come out.

    ALL WEEK - small goals...

      Take a Shower with Team Fohty
      take photos of pimped-out buses
      Get a red slap coozie from Team Wrong just cause
      Ride with BarFlys and Toe Rings
      One Hack with Hacki-Jedi
      Stay clear of condom-man
      Drink one (or more) beers with Team Skin
      Check out High Trestle Trail Bridge
      Be the last one into town
      Be the first one into town
      Help locals set up and tear down something
      church pasta
      Be on the look-out for the long lost team Smelly Cat. Here kitty kitty...
      Spend a little time with Jesus
      Stay around long enough to get free food
      Share beer with stick biker in the middle of nowhere.
      Don't stay overnight in the same town more than 3 nights
      Give away lots of BIKEIOWA coozies along the route
      Use up at least one big Sharpie
      Come back with the same pair of sunglasses I started out with
      stoked to test out new Arkel bags and therma-rest NeoAir mattress


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      • Modified: May 13, 2012 by ss







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