

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Apr 17 2010 730am - 230pm


Wamego Middle School
Wamego, KS


WamSagMan Trail Committee



Distance - 16, 37 & 54

Cabin Fever Challenge with Bike Swap Meet and Yahtzee Run Cycling event is the same weekend as the Wamego Tulip Festival. Be sure to make your hotel reservations soon because rooms go fast. Description: Three routes available: 16, 37 & 54. Each route has a Tulip Festival Theme which will help identify your route. Read all the details are on the website: Highlights include: Bike Swap Meet will be available (buy/sell) to all who register for Cabin Fever Challenge. If you do not register for CFC you can still shop but if you want to sell items it will cost $5. Either way, please provide a list and descriptions of the items you plan to sell. Technical jersey (deadline to order is February 19). This item has its own order form on the event website and on Yahtzee Run. Each player will pay $5 to play one scorecard (maximum of 2 scorecards per rider). RULES: Roll 5 dice three times at the Middle School before Mass Starts. First roll will function as a possible tie-breaker. Each player will roll 5 dice twice at the mid-point in route and twice at the end. Score card will be validated at each location. Score cards that have not be validated will not count. Highest score wins. Winner will be awarded 50% of income paid out to them as a prize. Nutrition info booth. Karen Hanson, who is a Certified Health and Fitness Specialist (ACSM Certified) at Manhattan's Hy-Vee will offer literature and information on 'loading' before an athletic endeavor, and will provide chocolate milk for the returning riders. According to Karen, tests show that chocolate is one of the best foods for 'refueling' after exercise. Check back for potential snacks that Karen might have available. Register on by using this link:, or you can print out the form on the event website and mail it in with payment. Registration Fee includes: Cabin Fever Challenge cotton tee if you register by March 26. Bountiful breakfast before the ride (730 a.m. - 845 a.m.) if you and/or non-riders register by April 12. Tasty snacks, water and Gatorade mix at stops. Bike Swap Meet (Please provide your items for sale by March 26 if possible. This will allow more time for publicity.) Bicycle mechanic available at start provided by The Pathfinder ( Route support. Showers available if you bring your own towel, soap. Complimentary sports massage provided by the American Academy of Massage Therapy. Entry for prizes. Volunteer Opportunities: Community Service hours are available to assist with ride day support. Opportunities include signage placement, registration, Yahtzee Run assistants, rest stop support and post race clean up. Please contact Diane Novak, Event Coordinator at if you are interested in volunteering. Look forward to seeing all of you at this year's Cabin Fever Challenge.


16, 37 & 54 miles. 16 mile route is mostly flat with some rolling hills. 37 mile route is mostly rolling to mild hills. 54 mile route is mostly rolling to mild hills. A couple of challenging hills are included in the 54 & 37 mile routes.


Wamego Middle School

1701 Kaw Valley Rd
Wamego, KS 66547



Register on by using this link:, or you can print out the form on the event website and mail it in with payment.


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