

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat May 17 2008 - Sun May 18 2008 11:00 a.m. - Rider's Choice


Ride will start at The Spoken Wheel Cyclery, 420 Washington Avenue, in Iowa Falls. Some riders may leave earlier than 11:00 a.m...
Iowa Falls, IA


Green Belt Bikers


Check out the pictures and video at

GREAT RIDE, despite the near 50-mph cross-winds on Saturday... WE ENDURED... Whatever doesn''t kill us makes us stronger!!!


Party Ride

Distance - 53 miles both ways

This is the Green Belt Bikers' 6th annual trek from the scenic city of Iowa Falls to the beautiful shores of Clear Lake, Iowa. Your day will be full of whatever you make of it -- to include biking, socializing, dining,grilling, and FUN! We have booked rooms at the courtyard of the Hilltop Motel, which puts us across the street from the Surf Ballroom and within walking distance to many eateries and establishments. You are responsible to book your own accommodations, but you are welcome to hang out with us in the courtyard. Other hotel options in the immediate area include the Lighthouse Court and the Lakeshore (contact number for these hotels is 641-357-5237). Some riders will elect to ride up to Clear Lake and not stay overnight, some will elect to stay overnight and not cycle back to Iowa Falls, and others will elect to cycle back to Iowa Falls the next day. The ride is truly what you make of it! On Sunday morning we will start with breakfast in Clear Lake and then reverse our route back to the Scenic City of Iowa Falls.


We will leave from the north side of the Spoken Wheel Cyclery, with the option of going first to Alden (Bobby's Westside) or straight to Coulter (Hometown Pizza and Pub), then through Latimer (option of stopping at Mother's), Coulter(Westy's), and then Clear Lake (with a possible stop at Rookie's before the Hilltop). Specific Route and Mileages: Iowa Falls to Alden on D-20 west: 7 miles / Iowa Falls to Alden on C-73 west and S-25 south: 9 miles (alternate route) / Iowa Falls to Coulter on C-73 west and S-25 north: 16 miles (direct route) / Coulter to Thornton on S-25 north: 13 miles / Thornton to Clear Lake on 107 north: 13 miles / TOTAL MILEAGE: 51 - 53 miles. We will also provide baggage transport from Iowa Falls to Clear Lake and back.


Ride will start at The Spoken Wheel Cyclery, 420 Washington Avenue, in Iowa Falls. Some riders may leave earlier than 11:00 a.m...

420 Washington Avenue
Iowa Falls, IA 50126



Contact Jeff Burchfield at or at 515-321-4471...


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