YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.
Sat Sep 08 2007
noon - ????
Thanks to everyone who showed up throughout the day to partake in some New Belgium Fat Tire samplins'!
New Belgium is a bike-friendly company and it's beers will be an Iowa favorite I'm sure of it!!
Thanks to Joel, Mike and Jeff for coordinating the day's events!
Approx 35 cyclists made the trek from the El Bait Shop to Kelly's on Beaver Ave. Both Iowa and Iowa State games kept many riders from participating. A short beer stop on the Inner-Urban bridge and it was off to Kellys'!
Many cyclists, patrons and beer connoisseurs showed up at El Bait Shop after the ride to listen to Mr. Baber's Neighbors and buy raffle tickets to win the New Belgium bike!
Ironically - Scott Sumpter of BIKEIOWA.com won the bike raffle. Scott bought $20 in tickets (12 chances) minutes before the raffle took place. Over 390 raffle tickets were purchased!
more photos
Just Plain Fun
Distance - About 5.5 miles
The ride is in conjunction with the early release of New Belgium's beer. The beers are Fat Tire, Mothership Wit (organic), and 1554. el Bait Shop will be getting in three pallets of the beers on Saturday morning for the start of the 2 day party celebrating the beers arrival to the state.
New Belgium will be raffling off one of their signature bicycles and giving away a bunch of prizes straight from the brewery in Fort Collins, CO. All Raffle proceeds will be donated to BIKEIOWA.com!
From 8 to midnight Baber's Neighbors is playing and the new beers will be on special for $5.00 a 22oz bottle.
We are sponsoring a fun ride on the Neal Smith and Inter-Urban trails to Kelly's in Beaverdale who will also have the deliscious NB beers available that day.
Sunday night we will have Dr. Gonzo for our Live Bait series and we will drink up any beers left over from the Saturday party.
From el Bait Shop east across the river to the Neal Smith trail north. Head north about 3.5 miles to the Inter-Urban trail and head west to Urbandale Avenue. Go west on Urbandale Avenue to Beaver Ave. Head north on Beaver Ave. about 5 blocks to Kelly's on the west side of Beaver Ave.
200 SW 2nd Street
Des Moines, IA 50309 MAP
Be down to el Bait Shop around noon for a few beers. The ride should start some time there after.
Who Posted
Posted Aug 17, 2007 by
Modified Sep 9, 2007 by
Recap Posted Sep 8, 2007