


Sat May 17 2025 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM


Waukee Raccoon River Valley Trailhead
Waukee, IA


Gary's Ride, Inc.


Trail Ride

Distance - 6 miles, 18 miles, 32 miles - all ride lengths end in Dallas Center for the end of ride celebration

Gary's Annual Brain Cancer Bike Ride, May 17, 2025 will be our third registered ride.  Ride starts at 10:00 a.m. at the Waukee Raccoon River Valley Trailhead.   End of ride celebration will be in Dallas Center at the HandleBar Restaurant.  We will have incredible food offered from the HandleBar Restaurant, live music from Paul Little, outdoor games for adults and youth, and many vendors such as: DeReus' Jewels, Deterding Designs, Meyer Bake Shop and Trinkets, Nixon and Norman, Orange Theory, Queen Bee Face Painting, RDCC Integrative Medicine and Clinical Trials, The Pink Hummingbird and Trail Nutrition.   

100% of our donations and sponsorships go to Richard Deming Cancer for their terminal brain cancer patients, especially Glioblastoma patients,  in both their Integrative Medicine and Clinical Trials.  Since our inception in 2022 you have helped us raise over $66,000 which has helped 63 patients with primary diagnosis of brain cancer and 21 of those Glioblastoma patients.  

The mean survival rate for Glioblastoma patients is still only 8 months upon diagnosis and their 5 year survival rate is still only 6.9%, so, we have a lot of work to do in research, clinical trials, integrative medicine.  

Our funding goal for Richard Deming Cancer Center for 2025 is $45,000.  We'd be so very grateful for your support in helping bring hope for these terminal brain cancer patients.  Help us to turn "terminal into "treatable".  

Gary's Ride, May 17, 2025, will be held on the day of Gary's passing (2021).  Come out and ride or be a non rider to honor him or to honor someone you know that has been diagnosed or passed from terminal brain cancer and to support an incredible cause!!   

Forever grateful and humbled - 
Kristin Wiedenfeld, Founder and President
Gary's Ride, Inc.


Route starts at the Waukee Raccoon River Valley Trailhead, Waukee, Iowa.  Ride travels on the RRVT through Dallas Center, Minburn, and almost to Perry Iowa.  Very nice paved and smooth trail.


Waukee Raccoon River Valley Trailhead

10th and Hickman
Waukee, IA 50263



Registration online goes live January 1, 2025

Registration day of starts at 9:00 a.m. at the Waukee Raccoon River Valley Trailhead, Waukee, Iowa
Ride starts at 10:00 a.m.

Adult Rider: $40.00 (includes Cinch Bag, food/beverage)  Late Registration, May 1 through day of: $45.00 (includes food/beverage)
Youth Rider: $20.00 (includes food/beverage) Late Registration, May 1 through day of: $25.00
Non Rider: $20.00 (includes food/beverage) Late Registration, May 1 through day of: $25.00
Cinch Bag: $10.00


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