MILITARY AND LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL RIDE AND EAT FOR FREE! [If you want a t-shirt, it's FREE, but you must register by Saturday, August 27.]
Register by Saturday, August 27, and the cost is $25 PLUS one non-perishable food item. This will guarantee an EMBRACE t-shirt for you.
Register AFTER Saturday, August 27, and the cost is $35 plus one non-perishable food item. But after August 27 there's no cool EMBRACE t-shirt... Bummer.
Family deal: after the first 2 paid registrations, each additional family member is $15. Children five and under are free.
T-SHIRT DESIGN IS BELOW. Cyclists who participated last year voted on this year's shirt color, and the winner is HOT PINK.
Payment options:
CASH or CHECK (PAYABLE to TAMMI METHER, 1077 Macy Ln, Moorhead IA 51558)
PAYPAL (please pay "as a friend" so we don't have to pay a
VENMO (Tammi-Mether)
Register online: