

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Oct 02 2021 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Icon's Martini Bar
Rock Island,, IL


Katie's Club (501C3)


Party Ride

Distance - 40 miles but you decide what you want to ride there are options

Tour de Brew QC is a 40 mile charity bike ride along the Mississippi Trails in the Quad Cities.

About this event

It is estimated that 80,000 people in the US will delay Cancer related health care during 2020,what that means is there are a lot of people in our community who need help. When the Crew heard this alarming statistic, we knew we had to find a way to host the Tour de Brew QC, so we figured it out.

Saturday, October 2, 2021, is the day to come join the Crew and enjoy a brew or two as we ride bikes, sing songs, fist bump, and have some “SOCIALLY DISTANCED” FUN!!

2021 marks our 7th Year of hosting Tour de Brew QC and we know it will look different in some ways, but we have an amazing lineup of ride stops and great sponsors who have come together to help us make a difference. Now all we need is YOU to make it the BIGGEST YEAR YET!!! And…… to thank you for standing by us during a Historic Flood and a Global Pandemic, THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE TO PARTICIPATE IN TOUR DE BREW QC 2021!!!! With that being said throughout the day you will see Crew members with their donation buckets, SO BE GENEROUS AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE, and make a donation to Katie’s Club and our Partner Charities Livestrong at the YMCA and Children’s Cancer Connection. Our Mission hasn’t changed so please continue to support our Mission!

Due to liability and legal and all those small print details, you will still be required to register and sign the waiver. DON’T DELAY…SIGN UP TODAY!!.

As we release details of the ride our website will be updated. You can also check our Facebook page for all of the details.


official start/ end location 

Icons Martini Bar - watch for additional start locations (will be offered due to CDC regulations and your comfort level)

124 18th St.

Rock Island, IL 61201

The majority of the route is the Mississippi River Trail.

The confirmed stops for 2021 are as in years past there is no right or wrong way to ride this ride. Ride as much or little as you like just come out and ride.  

Icons Martini Bar 124 18th St, Rock Island, IL 61201

Wake Brewing 2529 5th Ave, Rock Island, IL 61201

Galena Brewing Company 2529 5th Ave, Rock Island, IL 61201

Bad Boyz Pizza and Rebellion Brewing 313 16th St, Moline, IL 61265

The Edge Eatery and Drinkatorium 1802 2nd Ave, Rapids City, IL 61278

My Place the Pub 4405 State St, Riverdale, IA 52722


Icon's Martini Bar

124 18th St.
Rock Island,, IL 61201


THERE WILL BE NO CHARGE TO PARTICIPATE IN TOUR DE BREW QC 2021!!!! With that being said throughout the day you will see Crew members with their donation buckets, SO BE GENEROUS AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE, and make a donation to Katie’s Club and our Partner Charities Livestrong at the YMCA and Children’s Cancer Connection.


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