

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Mon May 25 2020 6:00 AM - 1:30 PM


Start with Larry at Slater or join along the way.
Slater, IA


Larry Ritland - The Old Cycling Veteran



Distance - 75 miles

Larry Ritland, a Vietnam Veteran and 38-year member of American Legion Post 307 in Roland, Iowa, plans to honor veterans in a unique way this Memorial Day.

After learning of so many Memorial Day services being canceled, including the one in his hometown, Ritland decided to incorporate the Memorial Day observance into his 72nd birthday ride.  He plans to honor his namesake veteran relatives by cycling through eight central Iowa communities.

“I wanted to honor my relatives for their military service, Ritland said, but really I will be honoring all veterans.”  The ride will cover around 75 miles, starting in Slater at 6:00 am where a cousin, Herb Ritland, is buried.  From Slater, Ritland will make stops to honor relatives in Huxley, Ames, McCallsburg, Garden City, Radcliffe, Story City and ending in Roland about 1:00 pm.

The next grave will be that of Uncle Earl Ritland who served four years in the US Navy just prior to World War II.  Then Ritland will honor the service of four uncles who served in World War II; Virgil Twedt (KIA, Europe - 1944), Robert Risdal - Europe, Carroll Ritland - Europe, Lloyd Ritland - Alaska Highway & Okinawa.  Many relatives on his mother’s side served as well, including Uncle Lyle Froh of Ft. Dodge in World War II, cousin Virginia Mahn of Ankeny during the Cold War, and cousin Conrad Froh of Anchorage, Alaska during the Vietnam War.

While most formal Memorial Day events are canceled, Ritland hopes people, following social distancing guidelines, will take the time to get out and remember our heroes.  If anyone wants to ride a few miles with him, Ritland says he would welcome the company.  It will be an easy pace of 10-12 mph with time for breaks.  Ritland’s wife plans to ride with him from Radcliffe to Roland.

Following is a brief itinerary with the time in each community.  And anyone is free to call Ritland (515-460-3661) for an update on his progress if you might want to meet up with him along the route.


Slater - leave at 6:00am

Huxley - 6:25-6:35am

Ames - 7:35-7:45am

McCallsburg - 9:30-9:40am

Garden City (the country cemetery) - 10:20-10:30am

Radcliffe - 11:05-11:15am

Story City - 12:30-12:40pm

Roland - arrive 1:10pm


Start with Larry at Slater or join along the way.

Slater, IA 50244




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