Rockwell City Rotary
Bike Ride Around Twin Lakes,
This is the Rockwell City Rotary Club's 2nd Annual Bike Ride Around Twin Lakes.
The South Central Calhoun Elementary School will benefit from the proceeds
of this event through the "Back to School Success with Rotary" program.
The ride for 2018 will focus on the
Twin Lakes Bike Trail.
(Multiple laps around the lake)
With an OPTIONAL loop to
Pomeroy via Hwy 4 & Hwy 7.
Registration time is 8 to 8:45 am at the
Twin Lakes Golf Club
The ride departs at 9 am sharp
- rain or shine.
(thunderstorms could cause some delays.)
Registration includes a Biscuit & Gravy Breakfast - other stops along the route,
a stop at Treman Park,
and a wrap up at the
Twin Lakes Golf Club.
A fun day for Riding, FOOD, FUN & PIE!!!!!
This is not a Sag supported event.