
  • Posted Apr 13, 2014
We've had several email lately asking what "Destination" Rides are. We thought it may be a good time to explain.

"Events" on our Event Calendar are more than just bicycle rides. In addition to normal rides and races we have a "Ride Type" called "Destination". These are bicycle-friendly events that you can ride your bicycle to.

There are usually no mass starts, routes, etc. You ride there on your own, at your own pace and take your own route.

Here are some types of "Destination Rides"
  • Sales Events
  • Weekly food special like Taco/Steak nights
  • Live Music
  • Expos
  • Festivals
  • Education events
  • Trail/City/Conservation meetings

Don't worry, we still keep a close eye on what is posted. It must be bicycle-related in some way and will remove events we deem "not bicycle-friendly". And yes, we have had to remove a few already.

"Destination Rides" expands BIKEIOWA's focus way past "just bicycle rides" and adds an element for Bicycle Tourism for all the bicycle-friendly businesses out there.

Cycling is HOT in Iowa right now and we are happy to provide a spot to promote anything bicycle-related.

Add YOUR Event

Enjoy our State and what we have to offer.

Ride Safe!






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