
  • Posted Aug 4, 2013
We saw this article in the Steven's Point (Wisconsim) Journal that was written by Chris Jones For We rode recumbents for years and rode my first 11 RAGBRAIs on a recumbent before folks knew what a recumbent was.

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Many people can remember the first time they road a bike, but they also can remember the first time they got off their bike because they couldn’t possibly ride any farther. The solution for discomfort on regular bikes has emerged as recumbent biking.

In Stevens Point, recumbent bikes are a familiar sight, whether it be a two-wheel bike or three-wheel trike. The need for such a bike is to get off of a small seat cushion and instead lying back in a seat, making a long or short ride much more comfortable and enjoyable. It often leads to longer rides and a healthier lifestyle.

Rolf Garthus, owner of the Hostel Shoppe in Plover, the nation’s largest recumbent bike and trike carrier, has noticed a huge increase in recumbent sales during the last 10 years. He is an expert in all things bikes and specializes in recumbent bikes.

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Garthus started riding a recumbent bike almost 30 years ago mostly to relieve pain in his neck and back. He said since he made the switch from a normal bike to a recumbent bike, it has opened new doors.

Back in my late 30s, I had given up 100-mile days,” he said. “I was down to going out and riding about 25 to 30 miles really hard, getting off the bike and just hurting.”

Since switching to a recumbent bike, Garthus is back to going on 100-mile rides. He even made a trip from Stevens Point to Minnesota on a recumbent bike.

What kind of equipment do you need?

“A helmet’s a really good idea, just like it is on an upright (bike),” Garthus said. “You can ride recumbents in street clothes.”


another good article "Recumbent bikes take the strain out of cycling: Stretching Out"






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#1 - recumbentbike posted May 16, 2015

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