
  • Tue July 18 2023
  • Posted Jul 18, 2023
Thanks to the friends of Tim Rask (aka fun-loving Timmy from Team Fez) for creating this fundraiser for a memorial bench for his wife Theresa who lost he battle with cancer.

If you were in the bagger (self-contained) community in the 1990's and 2000's you would know Tim.

Tim was originally from Maquoketa, Iowa, then Solon then moved to Eau Claire Wisconsin a few years ago.

At the time of this post, there was $1860 raised of their $3000 goal.

Our condolences to the family and let's get Tim a bench that he can ride to for Theresa!


With blessings from the family of Theresa Klingenberg, we are raising funds to have a memorial bench installed along the Chippewa Valley Bike Trail in her honor.

Theresa courageously lost her battle against cancer on June 23, 2023, passing away at her home in Eau Claire, Wisconsin surrounded by the love of her husband Tim Rask, aka Timmy Fez, her family and animal companions. Her absence leaves a void in the many lives she touched as a social worker, a mentor for the homeless, a crisis interventionist and family counselor, a board member of Bike Chippewa Valley, the secretary/treasurer for Turner Cemetery and a beloved friend to many.

Theresa lived her life with a gentle heart, open mind and passionate voice. Her favorite quote represents the life she led, "The ideals which have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. The trite subjects of human efforts, possessions, outward success and luxury have always seemed to me contemptible." Albert Einstein

Thank you in advance for your support.






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