
Ray Haas has spent years involved in Big Brothers Big Sisters and Habitat for Humanity to building bikes for local youth. Part of his impact includes his bond with a 12-year-old.

There is something unexpected tucked away in Ray Haas’ wallet.

Carried around with him is his personal mission statement he wrote as a 23-year-old in 1978, which details his desire to seek and reinforce the good in people, to make a positive difference and to ask others to help him support those in need, though it doesn't end there.

They aren't just words to Haas. The Coralville resident has embodied statement for years in his many roles as a neighbor building bikes for local youth, a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters, an Iowa Valley Habitat for Humanity volunteer, a blood donor, a New Life Community Church member and more.


Haas was one of five recipients in 2023 and the only person from Johnson County.


Pedaling up dirt trails in Coralville Creekside Ballpark are Haas and 12-year-old Otis Ray Maclin, who was matched with Haas through the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Johnson County program in 2018.

Maclin's one of the lucky kids to match as the need for mentors grows.






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