Phase 2 of the Neal Smith Trail (Euclid Avenue to Saylor Creek pedestrian bridge) is nearing completion and we are preparing the fog seal application for the Neal Smith Trail and the McHenery Trail July 25, 2022 from 9:00am to 3:00pm.
Please stay off the Neal Smith and McHenery Trail on July 25, 2022 from 9a.m. to 3p.m. If you are not familiar with the trail names, this trail connects from 6th avenue to Riverview Park, McHenery Park, Des Moines River pedestrian bridge, Euclid Avenue, and the Saylor Creek pedestrian bridge at city limits.
The asphalt trail is slated to be fog sealed, a surface application creating a sticky-tar like substance and unauthorized access may result in damage to the facility and your personal bicycle.
Please help spread the word to keep people off the trail so this project can finish without delay.