
The recreation trail that is gradually starting to connect the city of Fort Madison, saw a new segment open Sunday from 48th Street to the hospital.

The Promote Outdoor Recreational Trails committee now chaired by Larry Smith, officially opened the new section of 10-foot concrete pathway from 48th Street across from Avenue L, west to the Southeast Iowa Regional Medical Center’s Fort Madison campus.

The trail runs out to the hospital campus where it loops around the pond on the property and back. It’s now part of about 10 miles of pathways that run along the east and south borders of the Fort Madison Middle School, in addition to the rec trail that starts at the northwest corner of the Fort Madison High School and runs along the back side of the baseball and softball fields all the way to 18th Street.

The trail crosses there and then heads east down Avenue B to 15th Street where it turns north and runs up to Rodeo Park.





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