
  • Mon April 04 2005
  • Posted Apr 4, 2005
The members of the advisory board and the three co-chairs of Cresco RAGBRAI will be making a decision in the near future on the logo to be used for this summer's event. More than two dozen logos were submitted to the publicity committee, which will select what it believes are the top four to six entries. The finalists will be turned over to the advisory board and the three co-chairs for a final selection. The selected logo will be used on t-shirts and other publicity for the July 28-29 overnight Cresco visit by RAGBRAI. All contain the theme: Cresco - The Greatest Show on the Road. Local church groups, organizations and individuals interested in being a food vendor during RAGBRAI are encouraged to attend a special food vendor informational meeting to be held Thursday, March 31 in the auditorium at Crestwood High School. The meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. The local website for RAGBRAI is now up and running. The website is The site contains on-line forms for housing and volunteer recruitment for any residents interested. It also contains a schedule of committee meetings and minutes of previous meetings, all posted to keep the public informed. Cresco area residents who want to become involved in any of the various committees are invited to attend the committee meetings. A schedule for the coming week is as follows. All are committee meetings unless otherwise noted.

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