
BIKEIOWA NOTE: See the bolded text. This is the bridge that stopped cyclists from riding all the way to Jefferson during the damaged bridge from the ice jam incident on March 15, 2019. Feel free to call into the meeting Tuesday morning

The Greene County Supervisors will meet Tuesday morning.

The Board will consider for approval a Louis Dreyfus grant for the Jefferson Kiwanis Club for a garden project at the Milwaukee Depot. They will also consider approving the second reading of a dust control ordinance, along with waiving the third required reading, as well as executing the contract with Dixon Construction to repair the collapsed bridge on the Raccoon River Valley Trail and set a public hearing for the maximum tax levy rate for the 2022 fiscal year budget.

The meeting will take place electronically and in-person at 8:30am from the boardroom in the courthouse in Jefferson. To access the meeting, call 1-253-215-8782 or 1-301-715-8592 with meeting ID 585 769 486, or via Zoom application with a link below.






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