
  • Todd Magel
  • Thu July 30 2020
  • Posted Aug 16, 2020

Vandals poured red paint along nearly a mile of the popular High Trestle Trail north of Des Moines and officials want your help to catch them. That stretch runs between U Avenue and the Big Creek Bridge in Boone County.

The High Trestle Trail is one of the most popular bicycle trails in Iowa. That's why fans are upset when they ride along and find graffiti on the deck of the Big Creek Bridge.

Vandals poured and dripped red paint for nearly a mile east toward Madrid.

“It makes me angry. It's so senseless. I don't understand why anyone would want to do that,” bicyclist Nancy Weisenborn said.

“It's just damaging property that isn't yours. People enjoy this area, we want to use it and enjoy it and it's just not the right thing to do,” Amy Vollstedt added.

Tanner Scheuermann is the executive director of the Boone County Conservation Board.

“This is our busy time of year and we've got a lot of other things going on. We really didn't want to be out there trying to clean the trail up here. It takes time from other activities that we need to be getting done,” Scheuermann said.






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