
  • Jack Sexty
  • Wed April 01 2020
  • Posted Apr 6, 2020

Great April Fool's joke by!


As we reported this morning, the Tour de France is set to be held on virtual training platform Zwift this summer with the coronavirus pandemic making an outdoor version impossible. With pro's taking over the platform and making us all feel weak and unworthy, one innovative Zwifter has decided to embark on an adventurous bikepacking trip within Watopia instead.

Tour de France 2020 to be held on Zwift

Virtual bikepacking innovator Chris Bruce spontaneously purchasedsome bikepacking bags at his local Lidllast weekwhile picking up 72 loo rolls, 10kg of basmati riceand an arc welder; and when it dawned on him that it could be a while before he could use the bags in the great outdoors, he had an epiphany:

"I had my bike set up to do some Zwifting so thought I would set them up to see how they fitted", Mr Bruce told

"One thing lead to another and before Iknew it, I was bikepacking in my living room."

Although we're told the mosquitos can be a bit bitey in Watopia so a net is advised, Mr Bruce was sure to affix mudguards to his bike to keep his kit and bananas dry (if you know you know (link is external)) and pack decent waterproofs in case it rained.







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