
  • Wed October 10 2018
  • Posted Nov 5, 2018
Board members of Prairie Springs Recreational Trail take their role seriously. They continue to improve the trail that runs from two miles east of Cresco to Vernon Springs.

The latest upgrade is a bike fix-it station and a drinking fountain/pet watering station. The two units are located at Northeast Iowa Community College, along the trail.

PSRT Committee President Tim Wolter said the addition of the two stations is a collaboration between F.I.T. Running Club, RAGBRAI XLV Committee and PSRTC.

“The ADA-compliant drinking fountain was the brain child of F.I.T. They wanted to donate money toward it in memory of Jarek Burke.” Marine Cpl. Burke, age 22, died Oct. 3 in a car accident. PSRTC?decided to add a pet-watering station to the fountain.

The 2016 RAGBRAI committee donated $3,000 toward the project, and PSRTC received a grant from Howard County Community Foundation to help as well.

The bike fix-it station is just one of three that are being installed this fall. The other two will be located at the beginning of the Prairie Springs trail, east of Cresco, and at Prairie’s Edge Nature Center at Vernon Springs.

The station includes Allen and regular wrenches, regular and torque screwdrivers, adjusting cables and derailer, manual air pump and a wheel chock — pretty much anything needed for a quick tire repair.

The trail committee still plans to install the two fix-it stations, as well as a pet waste station this fall. The pet waste station will be located at the former V&V Insurance office, adjacent to the Crestwood High School practice field along the trail. There will be baggies and a disposal can available.





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