
  • Vivian Le
  • Fri September 23 2016
  • Posted Sep 23, 2016

The Bike Library will celebrate the completion of its four-month move with an open house at 4:30

The Bike Library, 700 S. Dubuque St., is a nonprofit contributor to the biking community. Iowa City holds a silver ranking as a Bike Friendly City, an award issued by the League of American Bicyclists.

At the open house, which will run from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., customers will be allowed to rent bikes, tour the facility, and meet the Bike Library’s first executive director, Cody Gieselman.

The business opened its doors in 2004 on College Street, and it has since moved twice because the high cost of its lease. Located closer to downtown than it previously had been, Gieselman said he is confident the Dubuque Street address will be its best location yet.

“We want to do programs and connect to the university, and we really hope we can expand what we’re doing,” Iowa City Bike Library board member Anne Duggan said.

Despite the four-month move, the library has been able to continue to operate without interruption.

Most aspects of the library will remain the same as they were at its last location, but Gieselman noted the new location offers a more spacious display of its inventory.

While the Bike Library functions primarily to enable community members to rent used bikes, it also sells bikes for people interested in starting their own projects.







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