
  • Andy Davis
  • Fri May 20 2016
  • Posted May 20, 2016

The Iowa City Bike Library will again pack up its inventory and pedal to a new address this weekend.

A year and four months after re-opening its doors at840 S. Capitol St., the Bike Library will begin itsmove to 700 S. Dubuque St. intothespace formerly occupied byMax Effect Cycling andFitness Studio at 11 a.m.Sunday.

Anne Duggan, a Bike Library volunteer and member of itsboard of directors, said a two-year lease has been signed for the new space, which isabout a five-minute walk away from the current location.Ashift in ownership at the Capitol Streetbuilding, which the library had been subleasing from the University of Iowa,resulted in a higher leasing cost, she said.led the Bike Library to search for other options.

"The new building is in aslightly better location for people. It's only two blocks closer to downtown, but we were having people enter through the back door of the Capitol Street location, and that was confusing for some people," Duggan said.

The move marks the end of Bike to Work Week, which started this past Sunday. The Bike Library will host a Friday celebration at its current location, and on Saturday, the library will hold normal operating hours and begin gearing up for the move.








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