
If you’re looking for a way to save money on gas, it’s simple: ride your bike. But for one man in Ames, saving money isn't the only reason biking is his go-to transportation.

Jacob Nolte, Public Relations Officer for the Ames Bicycle Coalition (ABC), has been riding his bike every day, even in the winter, for over three years. The reason? He doesn’t own a car.

Nolte, an Iowa State University alumni, started biking to class when he was a student at the university after realizing having a car was unnecessary to get around Ames. For a year he even delivered sandwiches for Jimmy Johns on his bike.

He now rides to work at Skunk River Cycles every day. The commute is only about five blocks from where he lives, but Nolte said he wishes it were a few miles longer.

Nolte said his love for cycling began with riding RAGBRAI, which led him to join the ISU Cycling club.

"I’ve fallen in love with the freedom that riding a bike gives you,” Nolte said. “I can ride for recreation, to commute, for exercise, or for training to race. I can ride my bike just about anywhere. There’s no gas to buy or parking spots to hunt for because the bike rack is always near the front door.”







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