
Mason City will hold its 10th Ride of Silence May 18 to honor cyclists who have been killed or injured by a vehicle.

Ride of Silence is a worldwide event to raise awareness and promote sharing the road with cyclists.

The ride begins at 7 p.m. May 18 in Central Park. There will be a short program followed by a 6-mile slow ride with a maximum speed of 12 MPH. All riders must wear a helmet. There is no registration fee.

North Iowa SPIN cycling team, North Iowa Touring Club, and Mason City Blue Zones Project and the Mason City Police Department endorse the ride.

The first ride was held in Dallas 13 years ago when 1,000 cyclists gathered to honor a rider who had been killed by the mirror of a passing bus.

Last year the event was held in 319 locations with more than 20,000 riders worldwide, including 49 U.S. states, 20 countries, and on seven continents.







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