
  • Kim Norvell
  • Sat February 06 2016
  • Posted Feb 7, 2016
Dodging passing cars could be a thing of the past for bicyclists traveling through Windsor Heights.

The city has released a conceptual design that would add bike lanes to a 10-block stretch of University Avenue between 63rd and 73rd streets. It would reduce the number of vehicle lanes from four to three and add parking and bike lanes on either side of the road.

Brett Klein, city administrator, said drawings released this week are purely conceptual. A public meeting is planned for 5:30 p.m. Monday at the Community and Events Center, 6900 School St., to receive feedback on the idea.

Windsor Heights adopted a complete streets policy last year that requires it to examine all modes of transportation when planning street improvements. The University Avenue design would place bike lanes between the sidewalk and the parking lanes for an extra layer of safety from passing vehicles.

That's a start, but we really need to have a University bike lane from there all the way to Penn at least near downtown. For those who want to commutte, University between 56th and Penn is a death trap.

#1 - streamdreamer posted Feb 18, 2016

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