
Tweed Ride is Coming!

The Quad Cities “Tweed Ride” is back for a return engagement as bicyclists gather at the Freight House in Davenport to embark on a leisurely ride along our scenic riverfront. The Two Wheels and Tweed Social Club is pleased to bring this stylish and family friendly event back to our beloved Quad Cities. If you have never witnessed or participated in a “Tweed Ride”, you are in for quite a treat! Modeled after the original London “Tweed Run”, riders have fun reproducing the traditional English attire and spirit of a bygone era. Many of the riders spend a lot of time and effort restoring vintage bicycles and dressing for that proper look. The ride will conclude with awards for “Most Dapper Gent”, “Most Fashionable Lady”, “Best Vintage Bike”, “Most Creative Bike” and of course the coveted “Best Moustache”.


Date: Saturday, October 24th, 2015

Where: Davenport Freight House

When: Registration opens at 10 a.m., ride departs at noon.

Contact: Timothy Nelson


Ride itinerary:

10 a.m. to Noon – Registration at the Freight House and “Mingling in the Market”.

Riders depart at Noon

12:30 to 1:00 - Tea and Scones at Credit Island Park’s “Seurat Statue Garden”.

1:45 to 3:30 – “Twick or Tweed” in the Village of East Davenport hosted by Lagomarcino’s and featuring treat specials, yard games, live music, and moustache painting.

4 to 5:30 – Awards ceremony, traditional English dinner fare, and Front Street Brewery bike raffle at Mac’s Tavern, downtown Davenport.

Cost to ride is free with donations accepted to benefit River Action. Donors will receive a souvenir armband and be eligible to participate in the award contests and prize giveaways. So dust off those jaunty wool caps and wax up those moustaches as we celebrate what is still the most wonderful way to propel one’s self from point A to point B…the bicycle!

Tim Nelson sits on the Board of Directors for the Iowa Bicycle Coalition and is a member of the Quad-Cities Bicycle Club.






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