
  • Kim Norvell
  • Thu September 17 2015
  • Posted Sep 17, 2015

City officials in West Des Moines want to be sure bicycling is on the forefront of planners’ minds as the community continues to grow.

Community leaders and parks staff have created a bicycle master plan —a living document that identifies how West Des Moines can become more bicycle friendly. They recently completed a draft proposal to present to the City Council during a workshop later this month.

Sally Ortgies, superintendent of parks, said the city has never officially adopted a bicycling master plan, though one was created in 2011. The city thought it was time to re-analyze where it stands and where it wants to be going forward, she said.

The bicycle master plan does not outline projects that will get done; it has no money attached to it. Instead, it will serve as a guideline for policymakers and developers as they build and re-construct roads in the city.

The 63-page draft proposal has three key features:

Create a network of ‘complete streets’

A major componentis passage of a complete streets policy that will take into consideration all modes of transportation on any new or redeveloped street in West Des Moines.






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