
  • Wed June 30 2004
  • Posted Jun 30, 2004
By KEN BLACK Those in charge of the Marshalltown bicycle trail extension project are once again pondering the best way to proceed in light of the recent bid results. Matt Garber, project engineer with Clapsaddle-Garber Associates, told the city council recently the bid for the project came in at approximately 10 percent above the engineer's estimate. The total bid amount was approximately $773,000. To deal with the higher costs, Garber said there were a couple of options available. One alternative is for the engineer to look at the bid tabulations and figure out where the higher expense is and attempt to modify the project. The second alternative is sending the project out for rebid through the Iowa Department of Transportation in hopes of getting more interest. This was the first time the project went out for bids. Only one contractor decided to submit for the project. Garber said there is a possibility of other contractors being interested at a later date. However, he noted taking that option would also mean delaying the overall project, which the city hoped to complete next year. The other option is to accept the bid as it stands and have the city come up with the money through some other means. Most of the project is being funded through federal or state grants and local contributions. The council will discuss the possibilities Monday at its meeting. The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. in the council chambers. The extension would run from the trail's current western terminus out to the GrimesFarm and nature center. It will add another two miles to the trail's length, which is already slightly more than eight miles long. The extension has seen its share of controversy. One local resident threatened to resist the project all the way through the condemnation process before he and the city came to an agreement. The Union Pacific railroad company refused to give up part of its property, which was needed for the trail's route. That dispute did end up going to condemnation. Source:

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