
  • Molly Moser
  • Mon October 06 2014
  • Posted Oct 6, 2014

Larry Crubaugh, one of four co-chairs on Guttenberg’s RAGBRAI committee, describes the event as “Very simply, a tremendous success – but not without the help and cooperation of the entire community and surrounding area.” Last week, 37 groups and organizations in the community received donations from RAGBRAI proceeds.

“In 2005, we gave out $22,000 in donations and we helped about 19 groups. This year, we gave out over $50,000 to 37 separate entities,” said organizer Nancy McClellan. “Some are local – everything from Veteran’s groups, to scouts, to schools.” The committee earmarked money for city projects, the swimming pool upgrade, and the golf clubhouse renovation. GD&T also received a donation for special projects.

Other organizations receiving donations included the Guttenberg Police Dept., Guttenberg Fire Dept., Guttenberg EMS Dept., Guttenberg Municipal Hospital, Guttenberg Library, St. Mary's, Kids Kampus, Dollars for Scholars, River Park Cruisers, Gridiron Club, 4-H, FFA, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Brownie Scouts, Guttenberg Veteran's Monument, Lockmaster House Museum, Umbrella Arts, Creativity Center, Guttenberg Rotary Club, Clayton County Emergency Management Agency, City of Garnavillo, Garnavillo Fire Dept., Great River Amateur Radio Club, Substance Abuse Services for Clayton County, Quilts of Valor (local donation), Clayton County Womenade, RAGBRAI Dream Team/YMCA Des Moines, Rock Valley Iowa Relief Fund, Clayton Ridge High School Classes of 2015 and 2017, Clayton Ridge Music Boosters, and the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Guttenberg Aerie 4114.

“When we started the giving process, we wanted to make sure that the dollars for RAGBRAI reached out and touched every single person in our community – and in a sense in our county. I think if we look at that list, we were pretty successful in that,” McClellan said at a volunteer appreciation gathering in August. She commended volunteers, who were given neon orange t-shirts to wear on RAGBRAI weekends, for their dedication and hard work.








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