
  • Wed May 08 2013
  • Posted May 8, 2013
Every spring, Hy-Vee Food Stores and Hy-Vee Drugstores decorate during May with some spring theme that helps promote local activities.

This spring, the Hy-Vee Drugstore in Jefferson is helping promote the second annual Iowa Bicycle Festival, which will be held in the community on Saturday, May 25. Joe Wanninger, of Joe's Auto Body & Paint, donated his time and supplies in painting a few dozen old bicycles, and you can see some of them in these photos from the drugstore. The decorator bikes are now being offered to other businesses around the community, too.

See the bicycle on display.

You can watch for Hy-Vee Drugstore employees to be wearing their new Iowa Bicycle Festival T-shirts later this month, too. And those shirts will be available for purchase there, at All Ability Cycles and at the festival itself.

The 2nd Annual Iowa Bicycle Festival will be held in Jefferson on May 25th. Last year at the first festival, more than 600 people turned out around the courthouse square in Jefferson IAfor allkinds of biycling activiies. And on May 25 -- the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend --the second annul festival will be much bigger and better!

Don't Miss Colorado bicycle advocate and keynote speaker Al Brody, Live Music, Bicyle Themed Art Show, All Ability Cycles shop, Rare and antique bicycle display, RAGBRAI team buses on display, Bicycle tours of Jefferson, Bicycle fashion show, bicycle-related vendors, a Parade, Von Ketelson and much much more.

Ride the Raccoon River Valley Trail to the Festival!

More info on BIKEIOWA and

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