
  • Tue December 28 2010
  • Posted Dec 29, 2010
Eastern Iowa written by: Calvin Eaves What began as a normal day of "picking" for antique treasure on rural farms, ended violently for Mike Wolfe and Frank Fritz--the stars of the History Channel hit show "American Pickers". Things had been going well for Mike and Frank on their visit to 92 year-old Byram Whittler's farm in eastern Iowa. The pickers had already agreed on prices for several old oil cans and advertising signs. But when Frank Fritz became just a bit too insistent on buying a rusty 1920's bicycle for too low a price, old man Whittler took up a pitchfork and began threatening the pickers. In the ensuing ruckus the fur really began to fly. Frank Fritz had his neck pierced by the pitchfork, Mike Wolfe had puncture wounds on his buttocks. Byram Whittler was treated at a local hospital for several bite marks on his right leg--and was arrested by police afterward. The producers of "American Pickers" acted quickly and had Frank and Mike immediately flown out of Iowa---leaving their Mercedes van behind. The TV show has been temporarily suspended while the puncture wounds heal and lawyers for all parties make a settlement. [BIKEIOWA Note: AHH HA! You've been spoofed! #LIE #FUNNY #SPOOF #PARODY #SATIRE]

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I am not surprised to hear that Frank "Tight Pockets" Fritz was attacked. I hope old man Whittler took his pitchfork and stabbed him right between his oil cans, That boy is so tight that he`ll squeeze a Buffalo Nickel so tight till it farts!
If that`s not bad enough, then you have that buddy of his Mike "Bean Stalk" Wolfe to deal with. I`ll tell you what, ain

#1 - RustKollector posted Mar 7, 2021

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