
  • Wed June 09 2010
  • Posted Jun 10, 2010
In case you are not on the Ride Reminder list... You have just received a RIDE REMINDER from

Miller Lite newest BIKEIOWA sponsor

Miller Lite has long been a proud supporter of cycling and has once again partnered with to promote and support our ever-growing Iowa Biking Culture and to showcase the Miller Lite brand through our favorite kind of marketing - Grassroots. We have been working on some fun contests and promotions for this summer. Congrats to the 12th Annual Stiff Ride who will be getting their "beer oasis" sponsored by Miller Lite and BIKEIOWA. More to come. LOTS more!

Iowa Staycations

Every drove to the other side of Iowa to see the ocean? Ever took a weekend and drove up into the Iowa mountains? Ever spend a weekend riding one of Iowa's extraordinary trail systems? If you answered "yes" to the first two, then yep, you are in fantasy land my cycling friend. Riding the nearby bicycle trails offers a unique and inexpensive way to spend a weekend close to home while still exploring someplace new. Every year new trail connections are being completed and businesses are sprouting up near the trails ready to cater to cyclists and other trail users. Iowa has thousands of miles of paved, non-paved and off-road trails. The Raccoon River Trail and the Cedar Valley Trails systems are two of the trails that "Get it" and are marketing heavily to cyclists. Both have great websites and have outstanding community buy-in, and both have enough miles of trail to spend 1-3 days riding. Other Iowa Bike trails can be founf here. Plan a Staycation today!

BIKEIOWA Sponsorship Blitz

Thanks to everyone who supported the 1st annual Sponsorship Blitz for BIKEIOWA. Between the Fat Tire Raffle, the Commemorative T-shirt Sales, and a few donations, the Blitz raised close to $7000! I am truly blown away and humbled by your support. This which was just enough to pay for the design fees and new controls for the new website and for the new BIKEIOWA stickers! As always, all monies received for BIKEIOWA is put right back into the cycling community one way or another. THANKS to Julie, Craig, Rob and Ed for collaborating to make the Blitz happen and Bruno at the el Bait Shop for donating the Fat Tire Bike. Thanks to all the BIKEIOWA sponsors and last but not least YOU for buying that raffle ticket and purchasing a shirt! It all adds up.

$500 "Iowa Bike Culture" Contest

What would your Team/Club do with $500? Miller Lite and BIKEIOWA want to know! Every year the Iowa Cycling Culture gets better and better. More people are on their bikes, trails are getting built and connected, and commuting is "the norm" for many. We want to make it even better. That is where YOU come in! Miller Lite and BIKEIOWA will give $500 in cash to one lucky Team/Club in our 1st annual "Iowa Bike Culture" Contest. That's right, CASH to be used as YOU see fit. More details here. Submit your entry today!

Fat Tire Fun Ride

Fat Tire Fun Ride Route change The clan is taking the lead on the ride this Saturday, June 12th. The NEW destination will be Saint's Pub & Patio at 265 50th Street in West Des Moines, IA which just happens to be 25 feet off the bike trail! If it is raining, watch the site and Twitter for updates.

Looking for a longer ride this weekend?

Three Rides come to mind: The Tour the Raccoon, TOMROV and BRAMCO. If these don't trip your trigger, there are 10 great rides posted on the BIKEIOWA calendar for this weekend. Looking for a party ride? Look no further than the 8th Annual R.A.S.H. Ride and the 5th Annual Spring Beer Bash Ride. Check the rest out here.

Want Tunes when you ride?

Del From CycleSound has extended his "BIKEIOWA Special" for the 2010 season. When you enter "BIKEIOWA" in the coupon code box, you'll get FREE Shipping AND a $10 discount when ordering a CycleSound. The speaker upgrade they did last year rocks.


There are countless things going on this summer. Rides, Destinations, Festival, Trips, etc. Here are a few quick highlights:
  • Jun 12 & 13 - The HyVee Triathlon is taking place in West Des Moines and will bring in athletes from all parts of the globe. If you have not sat at the finish line or transition are, you were either participating or missing out. This is a "must see" if you can make it.
  • RAGBRAI pre-ride. You may have seen groups of cyclists out on the RAGBRAI route this week. It was TJ, his crew pre-riding the route and and inviting other to ride along with them. More here:
  • Speaking of RAGBRAI - Has your Team/Club ordered their team shirts yet? This has been T-shirt Graphix specialty for 10+ years. Get 10% when you order early. Details...
  • BIKEIOWA spy photos were" last week and give you just enough details to see what the site will look like. I was hoping to have released the new site by now, but it is taking much longer than expected, plus it is much easier to get "distracted" when there is not two feet of snow on the ground! Every day we are making more progress. It will be sweet once finished!
  • BIKEIOWA on Facebook Daily updates are posted here too. sometimes just fund updates, and other times some "Good to know" stuff. Check out the page here and we still love Twitter as it's the easiest to update from anywhere.
  • FREE BIKEIOWA Stickers. Hundreds have already been mailed out. All the bike shops who sponsor BIKEIOWA have a supply too or here is how to get 'em FREE through the mail.
  • Jun 18 & 19 - Iowa Trails Summit in Cedar Falls/Waterloo will promote outdoor recreations in Iowa. Brochures, hotel into and more here.
  • Jun 27th - Iowa Games Road Race in Boone. This is a great race for the beginner or the seasoned veteran. Racers will complete either 1-lap of approximately 26-miles or 2-laps for 52 miles. The course includes several challenging climbs and awards for the winners .
  • Speaking of Staycations... Jul 3 & 4 - If you like alternative music festivals, then the 80/35 Festival is for you. This low-key event held in downtown Des Moines has been livening up the streets with headliners and up-and-comers for the past few years. The lineups are out and it looks to be another great event. Ride your bike down, park it for free at the Des Moines Bicycle Collective's bike corral, and enjoy the day. Tons of vendors skirt the outer perimeter, food and beer is plentiful as is the different types of music. Check out multiple stages within a couple of blocks of each other. Look for a BIKEIOWA feature soon.
  • Jul 9-11 The Bicycle Blues & BBQ Festival in Clear Lake. We hit this event last year and had a great time and are planning to make it back again this year. Watch or participate in the races/rides, eat BBQ and listen to Blues all within a few blocks of each other and the Lake.
  • Aug 22nd - Urban Assault Ride - Beer, Bikes, and Big Wheels are Coming to Des Moines. Don't Miss the Urban Assault Ride! Register early and save $30. This will be a very cool event to participate in!

Look for more frequent Ride Reminders in the next couple of months.

Ride Safe!


 Jun 2010

:: PrISUm Team's Anthelion solar car to compete in American Solar Challenge (6/9/2010 - 49 views)
:: FREE packet of GU at Rassys bike shop (6/8/2010 - 155 views)
:: Fat Tire Fun Ride Route change (6/8/2010 - 205 views)
:: How Not To Get Dropped (6/8/2010 - 301 views)
:: YURT LODGING available in Adel by late fall 2010 (6/8/2010 - 172 views)
:: CGRER's Bolkcom hits the road for Green Bike Tour in Slovenia  (6/7/2010 - 98 views)
:: Spy Photos of New site (6/2/2010 - 597 views)
:: World Tire Changing Championships July 24 (6/1/2010 - 210 views)
:: FREE BIKEIOWA Reflective Stickers (extension) (6/1/2010 - 303 views)
:: Bike Month Participants by County (6/1/2010 - 163 views)


DateRide NameCityType
6/11/2010 to 6/13/2010 Lake Tour Bike TrekCrystal Lake, ILTour
6/11/2010 to 6/13/2010 Spencer Dream Team RidesSpencer, IACharity Ride
6/12/2010 Fat Tire Fun Ride Saint's Pub & Patio Des Moines , IAJust Plain Fun
6/12/2010 to 6/13/2010 5th Annual Spring Beer Bash RideWall Lake, IAParty Ride
6/12/2010 8th Annual R.A.S.H. RideIndependence, IAParty Ride
6/12/2010 BRAMCO Winterset, IAFamily oriented
6/12/2010 END POLIO NOWWashington, IACharity Ride
6/12/2010 Paradise RideWebster City, IACharity Ride
6/12/2010 to 6/13/2010 Spencer Dream Team RidesSpencer, IACharity Ride
6/12/2010 to 6/13/2010 TOMRVBettendorf, IARoad Ride


 Jun 2010

:: Is your TEAM in need of custom T-Shirts for a special event in July? (6/9/2010 - 130 views)

 May 2010

:: Miller Lite - BIKEIOWA's newest sponsor (5/31/2010 - 164 views)
:: 3rd Annual Moorehead Mayhem Mountain Bike Race (5/31/2010 - 227 views)
:: Irwin's is making Ice Cream after Wednesday Night Ride (5/31/2010 - 66 views)
:: Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day (5/31/2010 - 88 views)

Cast your vote on the latest poll sponsored by Rasmussen Bike Shop.

It's HOT out. How do YOU cool off?

Please support the BIKEIOWA sponsors! They make this site possible.
:: Barr Bicycle:: Bike Country
:: Bike World:: Bikes To You
:: Cedar Valley Trails:: Connecticut Yankee Pedaller Inc.
:: Cumming Tap:: CycleSound
:: Dan Schuster Graphic Design:: Des Moines Cycle Club
:: El Bait Shop:: High Life Lounge
:: Irwin's Bike & Sports:: Kyle's Bikes
:: Mid-Iowa Solid Waste Equipment Company:: Miller Lite
:: Raccoon River Valley Trail:: Rasmussen Bike Shop
:: Shuttleguy Tours:: Team Joker
:: Tshirt Graphix:: Visual Eyes - Custom Eyewear
:: Hosting Sponsors 2010:: Q7 Cycling
:: $100 Sponsors:: $50 Sponsors
:: $25 Sponsors:: Friends of BIKEIOWA

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