
  • Tue May 18 2010
  • Posted May 19, 2010
Forest City Reported by: Brian Scott A New Iowa Destination has been created. The classic Schwinn, ”Hornet” in downtown Forest City has been in Natalie Holland's collection for a long time; although, it's never been quite so buggy. "I found this bike, I think in 1993 on my Grandmother's farm in Manilla, Iowa," said Holland. After years of gathering dust, she’s putting the vintage 50’s bicycle to a new use. "They stopped by our business looking for bikes and showed us an example, and I thought, oh, that'd be a great idea," said Holland. "Everything that we did on these was 100% bike," said Forest City artist Andy Sinwell. He and Clear Lake artist Steve Johnson teamed up to find bikes like Holland’s, and put them to work as sculptures at the new downtown park. "I said, well, what if we use bikes?” said Johnson. “And I just kept asking that question, what if? And you just keep working at it and working at it, then all of the sudden it takes shape." Local Girl Scouts and "Grow Forest City" put the park together as a place for bikers to park and relax while enjoying the city's downtown and trails. "We have Hine Spur which is a 2 and a half mile bike trail, Hansen Trail, and up through Pilot Knob, so we're ready to show off our bike trails and the beautiful areas to bike in Forest City," said Pat Galasso from Grow Forest City. "To see a town of this size get behind something called public art, it's pretty exciting," said Johnson. And while the old Schwinn will never ride again, Holland is glad its new form, “the Queen Bee” will stand for years to come. "It's nice, it'll stay up for a long time I hope," said Holland. City leaders cut the ribbon at the new park Tuesday afternoon in honor of “Ride Your Bike to Work Day.” They hope it will be one more way to draw people to downtown Forest City. Check out the source for a video and photo. [BIKEIOWA Note: If there is anyone reading from Forest City, can you email photos to ]

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