
  • Thu February 04 2010
  • Posted Feb 4, 2010
via Bike Trailer Blog by Adam on 2/3/10 We received a few pics from Steve, telling us about his 2009 RAGBRAI experience using what was most certainly a custom ride with a great theme added by Steve and his friends. For those of you who don’t know RAGBRAI is a benefit ride across the state of Iowa in the middle of July. Now I’m sure your asking yourself who would want to ride across Iowa in the middle of the summer, well there’s about 10,000 people that would have an answer for you. Actually RAGBRAI might be the largest organized bicycle ride in the country. Imagine a rolling pedal powered party slowly and sometimes slightly intoxicated moving through the heart land and that’s RAGBRAI. Keeping with the philosophy of RAGBRAI, Steve and his friends found them selves the ZEM, a four person 2×2 up right quad-cycle to pedal across Iowa with. Now someone might call the people of RAGBRAI a little nuts, but I think fruity is a better word to use and Steve and his friends have taken the fruitiness to the max, literally Team Banana split, Chiquita, or Bananasrus I’m not quite sure, but either way they look awesome in their banana suits. Anyone that wears a banana suit while riding across Iowa in the summer time deserves major props. I wonder if they ate bananas the hole time they were riding? Here is a link to more banana bike craziness:

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