
  • Wed January 27 2010
  • Posted Jan 27, 2010
Minneapolis, MN The New Dero ZAP provides users with a reliable, tamperproof and easy way for companies, universities, government institutions or other organizations to accurately count, track and issue a report on bike commuter trips. The Federal Bicycle Commuter Act was signed into law on October 3, 2008. This legislation allows employers to give employees who commute by bike a monthly tax free stipend of up $20. This benefit is modeled after the federal vanpool and transit commuter tax benefit. The Dero Bike Rack Company, an industry leader in bike parking, has come up with a system to make administering this commuting benefit a snap. The Dero ZAP ( is a solar powered, wifi connected, radio frequency identification system (RFID) that records the number of times a commuter arrives by bike, then transmits the data via wifi to a central website that administrators can access to create reports for payroll. “The technology is similar to the “Fast Pass” RFID tags used on toll roads and high occupancy vehicle lanes, only this technology is used to reduce the number of cars on the road, improve commuter health, and make workers more productive, alert and happy,” says Mike Anderson, product manager for Dero ZAP. When the bike commuter arrives at work or on campus and passes within the read zone of a Dero ZAP device it recognizes the tag which is registered to a specific employee. It acknowledges the read with an audible beep and flashing light. The commuter can also log onto the website to confirm the read or to review their commutes for the month. There may be additional health insurance reimbursement opportunities for participants as well, similar to health club reimbursement programs or any type of rewards program or departmental competitions a company might want to set up. The Dero ZAP provides the user with a reliable, tamperproof and easy way for companies, universities, government institutions or other organizations to accurately count, track and issue a report on bike commuter trips. Dero Bike Racks donates 15% of all sales to Freiker, a non- profit, based in Colorado. Freiker pioneered the technology and provides the ZAP units to k-12 schools, developing early, healthy habits in kids. Dero provides units to university, government and corporate campuses.

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