
  • Sun September 13 2009
  • Posted Sep 12, 2009
Malvern and Silver City September pledges or gifts of $32,500 can set the stage for up to $2.5 million in federal funds to pave 12 miles of trail between Mineola and Malvern. Two short segments of trail within the cities of Malvern and Silver City will be paved in Summer 2010, thanks to an award of $450,000 in Federal Stimulus Funding (known as American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or ARRA). Now the Wabash Trace has an excellent opportunity to receive additional ARRA funding as other stimulus projects fall through or have lower bids than estimated. The trail could be awarded an additional $2 million or more! To be eligible for these funds, engineering design specs need to be submitted by September 29 to the Iowa Department of Transportation for connected segments of trail between Mineola and Malvern. This means the engineers need to start now - and funds are needed for the engineering. The total engineering cost-$55,000-must be paid with private contributions. Contributions so far include: - $20,000 from Ash Grove Charitable Foundation - $2,500 from funds recently contributed to the trail through Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation Pledges totaling $32,500 are needed now. The leverage potential is enormous! Where else can an investment of $32,500 give the opportunity for $2.5 million in benefits for the people of southwest Iowa? This project will boost economic development for the trail towns, thanks to additional tourism and recreation. Malvern, Silver City and Mineola would benefit the most. Glenwood, Council Bluffs, Shenandoah and others would also feel the benefits. The design work is needed even if full ARRA funding does not become available to the trail right now. The specs will help secure funding from other sources for paving in the near future. Please give today or pledge your support now for payment in 2009 - 2010. Pledges or gifts designated for "Wabash Trace" can be made to the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation. Give online: "Donate Now" button Mail to: 505 Fifth Avenue, Suite 444 Des Moines, IA 50309-2321 Or call 800-475-1846 & ask for Lisa or Anita to discuss this project

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