Tue August 04 2009
Posted Aug 4, 2009
- 9,139
More On Stop as Yield
We talked with the experts on the front lines of bicycle
advocacy. Here’s what they have to say about getting an
Idaho-style stop as yield law passed in your state.
By Bob Mionske
Andy Clarke, President, League of American Bicyclists :
• First, connect with your state (or local) advocacy
group – any initiative to change state law needs the support
of people from across the state, and the chances are good
they already know sympathetic lawmakers to help get you
started. Many have a track record of getting laws passed.
• Second, have realistic expectations going into the
effort. State laws don’t usually get passed at the first
time of asking, and the legislative process never respects
logic or timeliness.
• Third, do your homework on the issue, likely
objections, possible supporters and detractors. Look for
support from both Democrat and Republican lawmakers, and try
to find a champion who is on a committee in the legislature
with jurisdiction over your issue.
• Fourth, watchdog the progress of your bill like a hawk.
If you have the wherewithal to hire a lobbyist, this is
where they earn their keep. You never know when a bill will
move, or get stuck, or be debated, or what seemingly
unconnected political machinations will unfold to which your
proposal will be held hostage.
• Finally, make it easy for people to support your
initiative. Keep people informed, provide fact sheets,
scripts for telephone calls, background documents for
legislators, and try to be strategic in your timing for when
you get a lot of people to call or write the legislature or
when you ask a few well-placed allies to make a call or
visit on your behalf. The League’s on-line advocacy center
has a lot of advice along these lines, as well as direct
access to state legislators and state agency heads and
examples of ongoing campaigns you can copy.
Scott Bricker, Executive Director, Bicycle Transportation
• Use this video as resource to explain what the proposed
law is about: Bicycles, Rolling Stops, and the Idaho Stop
• Perhaps most importantly, the Idaho Stop law is one
element of a fundamental shift we need to make—to truly
recognize that bicycles are different vehicles than cars. We
need to move away from “same roads, same rights, same
rules,” and more towards "different" or "special" rights,
rules, and ultimately, roads. This approach would
incorporate the use of yield signs, not stops signs, for
bikes as one component of this fundamental shift.
Andy Thornley, Program Director, San Francisco Bicycle
Coalition :
Locally, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition would rather
focus on enforcing laws that endanger the most vulnerable
users, including when the violator is a cyclist. In a
letter to San Francisco Police Department Chief Fong, we
referred to these violations as "right-of-way theft":
Not only do many bicyclist and pedestrian injuries and
fatalities result from failure to yield right-of-way, but
rampant uncited "right-of-way theft" by all road users
(including bicyclists) nurtures a perception of anarchy and
permissiveness, that "anything goes" on the streets, which
in turn gives license to further misbehavior, ranging from
simply discourteous to gravely dangerous. Motorists must
take their turn and give way to bicyclists and pedestrians
at intersections before turning, instead of bullying their
way (consciously or distractedly) through the turn.
Likewise, bicyclists must take their turn and yield the
right-of-way to all users as appropriate, stopping for
pedestrians and motorists and other cyclists alike.
It’s our position that if we really want an Idaho-style
intersection protocol, we should start with the laws we
already have and prioritize enforcement in our hometowns to
achieve the traffic environment we desire.
• Step 1: Re-establish the concepts of "right of way" and
"yield”: In San Francisco, at least, these essential
concepts are largely lost, from decades of overly tolerant
enforcement and overly selfish roadway users. We all grew up
understanding "take your turn.”
• Step 2: Establish enforcement priorities for street
safety: After obvious top-tier offenses like excessive speed
and DUI, "failure to yield" and "unsafe merge" enforcement
should be a high enforcement priority, especially at
intersections, for the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and
even motorists. At the same time, "failure to stop" should
take decreased priority as an enforcement subject for
• Step 3: Education/fair warning: Public safety and
public health and transportation agencies collaborate with
bicycle and auto and pedestrian advocates to conduct a
public information/outreach campaign, letting everyone know
that stealing someone else’s right of way is not just rude,
not just dangerous, it could cost you some money. "Take your
turn, or get a ticket.”
• Step 4: Start citing "right-of-way thieves”: Get out
and write some tickets for roadway users who fail to yield,
but only if obvious right-of-way theft has occurred. Spend
more time citing motorists than cyclists, and fine cyclists
proportionally less than motorists (California localities
have the power to set penalty amounts lower for moving
violations incurred by bicycle operators). Be consistent and
persistent—not just a one-day sting, but an ongoing campaign.
The result: Pushy drivers bullying pedestrians and cyclists
less. Pushy cyclists bullying pedestrians (and motorists,
even) less. Thoughtful cyclists pausing and continuing at
stops when there’s no theft of anyone’s right of way,
without fear of citation. Like Idaho, but better.
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