DOT Awards $44M In Stimulus Projects
Wed July 29 2009
Posted Jul 29, 2009
- 10,852
DES MOINES, Iowa -- The Iowa Department of Transportation
has awarded $43.7 million in national stimulus funding to
infrastructure projects throughout the state.
Gov. Chet Culver on Wednesday said $21.4 million of the
money would go toward 23 county road and city street
projects and another $22.3 million would fund four highway
He said Iowa will receive another $358 million in American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act money for roadway, bridge,
trails and freight rail projects.
Culver said that, with regular state projects and carry-
over work from 2008 included, the state will set an all-
time record for highway and bridge spending in the 2009
construction season.
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