
  • Tue April 21 2009
  • Posted Apr 21, 2009
Des Molines IA By KCCI Rally Organized After Cyclist Hit, Seriously Hurt Nearly 500 cyclists rode their bikes to the statehouse Wednesday to rally for bicycle safety. Video: In Her Own Words... Wife Of Hurt Biker Talks “This is awesome. We did not expect a turnout like this. We're going to do something right for Doug Smith today,” organizer Ken Sherman said. Doug Smith was seriously injured Saturday while riding his bike. A truck driver hit Smith near Cumming. He is in the hospital recovering from a fractured skull and pelvis. Smith's friends said they planned the rally to draw attention to the need for bicycle safety. The rally started at 5:30 pm at Rasmussen Bike Shop in West Des Moines. Cyclists pedaled downtown along Grand and Ingersoll Avenues. They ended on the capitol lawn. Cyclists want lawmakers to pass the bike bill which would require motorists to give bikers five feet of clearance on the roads. “I do believe that five feet around a cyclist is not asking a lot,” cyclist Joyce Bricker said. Also, cyclists said they want drivers to be courteous of them. Cory Gleason said, “We want to be on the roads safely. We want to have protections. We want people to be held accountable for any accidents that may happen.” The bike bill has passed the Iowa Senate but not the House. Lawmakers expect to wrap up their session soon. It’s not likely the bill will make it through this year.

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