
  • Tue March 31 2009
  • Posted Mar 31, 2009
THIS SATURDAY, April 4, their is a CITA trail-work day happening at Banner Park at Summerset State Park. it is being sponsored by me (Oakley Rob). I am hopeful to solicit the help of a bunch of folks that USE the trails that CITA works so hard to build. Will you help? We have, in an effort to get participants, made this on a weekend with no MTB races on the calendar. For you folks that 'have to train'...perfect! A group will be riding down on gravel roads (35 miles), working, then riding home. So you can get 70 miles on the bike and 3 hours of cross training. The ride down will start between 6:30 and 7 AM with a leaving destination TBD. Can't ride? Just show up at the park at 9 am. WORK goes from 9 to noon regardless of if you drive or ride. For those that work, LUNCH will be provided by ME. we'll also give away some OAKLEY glasses. and we'll all help CITA build trails we can all enjoy, which is really the point of this. This location is on the schedule to hold a mtb race later this year, so it's in ALL of our best interests to get it looking and riding nice this spring. PLEASE RSVP to me at if you can come. I want to have enough food there for folks who come out. IF it is raining the day of, we'll probably have to reschedule. I'll send a mass email and post on BIKEIOWA if that happens. Any information you need can be found at THANKS in advance, i look forward to seeing you on Saturday. oh, and if you're NOT a CITA member, please consider it? pass it on- Oakley Rob

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