Bicycle Rides Are Now Illegal In Hardin County
Mon August 25 2008
Posted Aug 25, 2008
- 10,367
Hardin County recently passed an ordinance requiring bicycle
rides over 10 persons to obtain a minimum of $1 million
insurance policy before they can ride their bicycles on
Hardin County roads. The ordinance will end bicycle rides
by scouting groups, church groups, and even individuals who
meet on a regular basis to ride their bicycles if they are
not willing to pay estimates of $300 to $3,000 per bicycle
ride. If riders do not provide insurance they face a $750
Worse yet, the form created by the Hardin County Board of
Supervisors requires all bicycle rides to divulge their
route, start and end times, number of participants, and
signature provided by the Hardin County Board of
Supervisors. Citizen who choose to participate in an car
rally, motorcycle poker run, tractorcade or funeral
procession are not required to submit similar information to
the county government.
The ordinance is a template provided by the Iowa State
Association of Counties (ISAC) to address a 2004 lawsuit on
RAGBRAI which was settled out of court. Some county
officials believe unusual liability exists for bicyclists
following this lawsuit despite the lack of precedence and
protections which already exist for government agencies in
the Iowa Code.
Bicycle liability remains extremely rare and the 2004
lawsuit was the only known case involving a single bicyclist
in the past 36 years. Yet, the Urban Transport Monitor
reports 80 lawsuits per state per year involving motor
vehicles. The 2004 lawsuit was also unusual because the
claim cited a failure to warn. It has been reported by the
Des Moines Register that a county deputy was assigned to
warn riders, but the deputy left prior to the 2004 crash
that killed Kurt Ullrich. Orange cones that were placed to
warn riders were removed prior to the fatal crash.
The Hardin County does nothing to address the liability
incurred by the negligence of the county. Nor would the
ordinance have changed the liability in the 2004 Ullrich
crash. In fact, the Hardin County ordinance may increase
the liability of the county by providing a notification
system and a heightened expectation of service by bicyclists.
What this ordinance does is obliterate recreation, tourism,
and economic development in Hardin County. What this
ordinance does is insult anyone who chooses to travel by
bicycle yet pays the same county taxes as any other roadway
user. What this ordinance does is create a second class
citizen – the bicyclist.
It is apparent that county officials lack knowledge of
bicycle risk management and liability. Creating an
reactionary and punishing ordinance makes is obvious that
counties are trying to invent a solution to problem that
doesn't exist.
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