
  • Mon August 25 2008
  • Posted Aug 25, 2008
The Iowa Kids on the Move curriculum is now available. It is a FREE curriculum published by Iowa's Safe Routes to School program, and it's an amazing tool to teach children the importance of safe walking and bicycling. The curriculum is geared towards children who range from Kindergarten to 6th grade and offers a variety of different lesson plans that all touch on a certain aspect of safety. It's easy to use and easy to access. If you would like to take a look at the lesson plans or would like to print them off yourself , they are available on our Web site ( , or please contact Molly Gable ( of the Iowa Bicycle Coalition for a FREE published version of the "Iowa Kids on the Move" curriculum. Also, the Safe Routes to School program is a great resource if you are looking for ways to make your school or community safer for walking and bicycle traffic. Check out our FREE workshops online ( or contact, if you would like more information or decide to schedule a workshop. Lastly, I would like to encourage all schools to participate in International Walk and Bike to School Day on October 8, 2008. It's a great way to build enthusiasm for walking and biking to school, enhance the health of kids, and improve air quality and the environment. Kids and families around the globe will be walking and biking to school that day and throughout the month of October. You can read more about this event at Don't forget to register on this Web site too.

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