
  • Wed May 28 2008
  • Posted May 28, 2008
The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (DMAMPO) will hold two important public meetings on Thursday, May 29, 2008, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Roosevelt High School Library, 4419 Center Street, Des Moines, Iowa. The first meeting will cover the goals and objectives that are in development for the update of the Horizon Year 2035 Long-Range Transportation Plan (HY 2035 LRTP). The DMAMPO strongly encourages any interested citizens to attend this meeting. Your input is critical at this stage of the planning process and input received will help to guide the future of our metropolitan area. Citizen Transportation Congress Immediately following the Horizon Year 2035 Long-Range Transportation Plan (HY 2035 LRTP) goals and objectives meeting, the DMAMPO staff will hold the seventh Citizen Transportation Congress At this time, interested citizens will have the opportunity to comment on other transportation issues throughout the metropolitan area. This is a great opportunity to voice your opposition to unneeded, expensive projects like the proposed NW 26th Street Interchange and MLK Extension and the Northeast Polk County Beltway. It's also essential to re-affirm public support for expanding public transit service, passenger trains from Des Moines to other cities, adding bike lanes to existing roads and encouraging pedestrian-friendly connections and other sensible solutions that will allow us to drive less and save money at the pump. Thursday, May 29 6:30 pm Roosevelt High School Library (On the south side of the high school facing the freeway, and just northwest of the 42nd Street interchange) 4419 Center Street Des Moines This is your chance to speak up, be heard, and help facilitate change in Central Iowa. We encourage you to attend the meetings, ask questions, and voice your opinions. Please join other Des Moines area residents in the long-term commitment to create healthy, vibrant communities for future generations. The goals and objectives will provide an overall guidance for the continuing development of the HY 2035 LRTP and the physical development of the metropolitan area's transportation system over the next thirty years. Written comments on either meeting may be addressed to the DMAMPO, Merle Hay Centre, 6200 Aurora Avenue, Suite 300W, Urbandale, IA 50322-2866. Thanks to Stephanie Weisenbach for sending this notice. Jane Clark

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