
  • Tue January 01 2008
  • Posted Jan 1, 2008
If you are not getting the biweekly Ride Reminders, here is what was sent on New Year's Day. You can sign up in the upper left hand corner of this page.
As seen on a bumper sticker last week; "Great minds think a Bike". I think that will be my mantra this year.

It's 2008! It's time to be thinking about the cycling season! What rides are you planning to do this year? Same rides as last year? Or trying new ones? What about commuting a little bit more to work this year? What bike parts do you need to upgrade? Maybe you need a new bike? Do you belong to a bicycle club or a team? Maybe you used December to rest and take some time off the bike? Maybe you don't even bike in the winter months? Maybe you live in an area of the country where it is warm all the time? (LUCKY!) Maybe not? Maybe you've set a New Year's resolution to 'lose weight' and 'bike more'? Tis' the year to get your friends and family on a bicycle. Show them how much fun it is. Spend some quality time this winter in a bike shop just browsing or on the internet reading about bike-related stuff. It's all good! Get some pedaling in early this season. You'll be in better shape in the spring guaranteed!

Went on the Nth Degree bike ride this morning (New Year's Day). A whopping nine (I said 9)cyclists showed up at 10:00am for a brisk 11 mile ride from north of Johnston to Grimes. [Note: I am using the word "brisk" very loosely, it was a cold one!] The jest of the ride was to ride one mile for every degree. At 10:00 am, it was 10 degrees. So we set out for Grimes and back which ended up being 11 miles. See map. The first 4.5 miles was a 15+ mph headwind. The ride back was much better. No one froze their extremities off as we were all dressed for the temps. Hot chocolate was awaiting back at Starbucks. I'm glad I got up out of a warm bed and rode. 11 miles in for 2008 already.

Have a SAFE 2008 cycling season and enjoy event moment on a bicycle!

2008 Rides and Events
If you are coordinating a ride in 2008, it's time to add it on the BIKEIOWA calendar. Don't know all the details yet? That's OK. You can edit the ride at anytime and add new information as it becomes available. The important thing is to get it on the calendar early. This way more people will see the ride and can plan their schedules accordingly. Save time and use the "clone" feature to clone a ride from last year and edit it for 2008. Remember, the BIKEIOWA calendar has more than just rides one-time rides. Weekly training rides, races, informational clinics, meetings, expos, sales events are just some of the 'other stuff' listed on the calendar.

Site Changes
I had some downtime last weekend and decided to make a few updates the good 'ol BIKEIOWA site.

  • TRAILS It's been a long time since I've added and re-org'd the trails page. I added all the trails info in one spot, plus added a NEW section for proposed and 'in progress' trails so you call can look in one spot to get the 411. Now the hard part is getting regular updates.

  • WEATHER Gettin' tired of just seeing the weather for Des Moines? I couldn't help but add a Google map mash-up with the weather for all of Iowa and surrounding states.

  • GOT BIKE? This slow loading page got a nice little overhaul that includes paging for faster loads. Keep checking out this section for off-beat cycling stuff.

  • FAQ Changes include categorizing the FAQs to better help people find answers faster. Many new FAQs were added. more...

BRR ride Registration
Reminder - the BRR Registration went LIVE on New Year's Day! Check out the details. There is a new start and end location that is closer to down town. I added a detailed Google map with the route, parking, food and bars.


 Dec 2007

:: Site changes for the new year (12/31/2007 - 154 views)
:: $3,000 worth of kids bicycles to Toys For Tots (12/30/2007 - 47 views)
:: Road-widening plan rattles nerves in southeast D.M. (12/30/2007 - 140 views)
:: Bicyclists, officials look for stricter laws  (12/30/2007 - 148 views)
:: Waterbury Residents: Cancel trail amid budget shortfall (12/30/2007 - 109 views)
:: Protection needed for RAGBRAI? (12/30/2007 - 162 views)
:: Recreation trails safety improvements being considered (12/22/2007 - 204 views)
:: Mertz puts a wrap on time with Waukee council (12/22/2007 - 177 views)
:: Conviction in Deadly Hit-and-Run (12/22/2007 - 277 views)
:: Indianola Ave street project inflames south-siders (12/22/2007 - 188 views)


DateRide NameCityType
1/1/2008 Nth Degree RideJohnston, IAJust Plain Fun
1/6/2008 2008 Valley West Wipeout West Des Moines, IARoad (RACE)
1/8/2008 Weekly Wednesday RideJohnston, IATraining Ride [Overall]
1/18/2008 to 1/19/2008 Iowa Bicycle SummitDes Moines, IAInformational Clinic
1/26/2008 Amigos Snow Bike XC #1Fort Dodge, IAMountain Biking (RACE)
2/2/2008 BRR - "Bike Ride to Rippey"Perry, IAJust Plain Fun
2/16/2008 Amigos Snow Bike XC #2Fort Dodge, IAMountain Biking (RACE)
2/24/2008 801 Grand Power ClimbDes Moines, IARun
4/5/2008 6th Annual April "Fools" RideLa Porte City, IAParty Ride
5/3/2008 to 5/4/2008 MAY DAY RIDE 8MCGREGOR, IAParty Ride


 Dec 2007

:: Register online for the BRR Ride! (12/30/2007 - 8 views)
:: BIKEIOWA's FAQ section gets an overhaul (12/30/2007 - 49 views)
:: Iowa Roller Race Series (12/30/2007 - 63 views)
:: 2008 Iowa Bicycle Summit (12/30/2007 - 24 views)
:: DM Cycle Club Junior Program Continues to Grow! (12/30/2007 - 28 views)

Cast your vote on the latest poll sponsored by Rasmussen Bike Shop.

Your Fav Day of Christmas

Please support the BIKEIOWA sponsors! They make this site possible.
:: Barr Bicycle:: Bike Country
:: Bike World::
:: CycleSound:: Des Moines Cycle Club (DMCC)
:: El Bait Shop:: Friendly Sons of St. Patrick
:: Hosting Sponsors:: Irwin's Bike & Sports
:: Mid-Iowa Solid Waste Equipment Company:: Miller Lite
:: Rasmussen Bike Shop:: Spindustry Systems Inc.
:: Team Joker:: Tshirt Graphix
:: Waukee Cycling & Fitness

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