
  • Mon July 09 2007
  • Posted Jul 9, 2007
Just in case you are not signed up for the biweekly Ride Reminders... Here is what yesterday's Ride Reminder consisted of. Sign up in the upper left hand corner of the site.
Project Destiny – How will you Vote?
PLEASE VOTE on Tuesday July 8th!!!

Voters in Polk, Dallas and Warren counties will decide Tuesday whether to raise the sales tax from 6 percent to 7 percent on most goods and services. Here is a primer on the issue before you place your ballot.

Forty-one of the 48 governments in Dallas, Polk and Warren counties have agreed to spend $6.375 million on Recreational trails over then next 10 years.
Currently there is less than $200,000 annually spent on recreational trails in Iowa. With the penny increase, Recreational trail funding would increase 3+ times annually. I believe this increase is needed make Central Iowa “Trails Capital of the World”.

Educate yourself on all the details regarding the "Yes to Destiny" plan before voting on Tuesday July 8th.

BIKEIOWA PROFILE needed for July

The July Profile I had planned fell through. If you, your Team, business, etc. would like to be PROFILED for this month, email ASAP with a little info. If you are chosen, you will be sent a listing of questions to answer.

Can you believe RAGBRAI is only 13 days away? July 22nd marks the beginning of the 35th RAGBRAI! Here are some highlights! Ride Safe! And I look forward to seeing may of you on the road!!

  • Check out theRAGBRAI site for a list of all the host towns and their attractions.
  • The Miller Music Stops have been released.
  • The Team Brewhaha Bar Guide will be available on July 13th..
    As in years past, all bars along the route will be listed along with a few bars just barely off the route. Mileage and climb data will also be included, making the Bar Guide the only map you need.
  • Lots of baggers are planning their pilgrimage out to the start of RAGBRAI from all over Iowa. Read their comments.
  • Blues Traveler will headline a charity concert at 7 p.m. July 25 as part of the RAGBRAI celebration at the UNI-Dome. More…
  • What other entertainment will be on RAGBRAI? Find out HERE.
  • RAGBRAI® EXPO IN ROCK RAPIDS - Saturday, July 21, 2007 from Noon - 9 p.m. Expo participants.
  • Wear BIKEIOWA Gear on RAGBRAI.
  • Lance will be there – Will you see him? Will you ride with him?
  • BIKEIOWA RAGBRAI Gallery – Once again, will host the largest Gallery of RAGBRAI photos! Send your photos to as soon as you get back!
  • Jonsin’ for RAGBRAI??? Check out last year’s Photos. How about 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002.
  • What does a Google RAGBRAI Search return? How about a Google Image search for RAGBRAI?


 Jul 2007

:: June Poll Results (7/8/2007 - 3 views)
:: Warterloo dam project timeline helped by clear skies (7/8/2007 - 4 views)
:: Zirbel wins Clear Lake bicycle race (7/8/2007 - 1 view)
:: Pennies for growth, or unnecessary tax? It's time to decide  (7/8/2007 - 4 views)
:: Win Trek Madone More Info on Raffle to benefit LIVESTRONG (7/7/2007 - 4 views)
:: Pack follows trail to eat on Taco Ride  (7/6/2007 - 221 views)
:: Reaction from residents WDM leaders endorsed plan, but will residents? (7/6/2007 - 223 views)
:: Team Brewhaha BAR GUIDE to be Available  (7/5/2007 - 244 views)
:: Do-it-yourself - Be your own Lance (7/5/2007 - 291 views)
:: Baby Boomers - Breaking Away (7/4/2007 - 248 views)


DateRide NameCityType
7/9/2007 DMCC Bike World Monday Night Ride Des Moines, IARoad Ride
7/10/2007 DMCC Great Western Trail RideDes Moines, IARoad Ride
7/10/2007 Tuesday Beer Run Cedar Falls, IARoad Ride
7/11/2007 4th Annual Pre-RAGBRAI Tunnel PartyDes Moines, IAParty Ride
7/11/2007 DMCC Walnut Creek Trail RideWindsor Heights, IARoad Ride
7/11/2007 Wednesday Taco RideEast Side of West Des Moines, IAMountain Biking
7/11/2007 Weekly Wednesday RideJohnston, IATraining Ride [Overall]
7/12/2007 Lizard King's Thursday RideCedar Rapids, IAParty Ride
7/14/2007 10th Annual Pickle RideCedar Rapids, IAParty Ride
7/14/2007 Ben Murphy Bike RideCedar Rapids, IAJust Plain Fun


 Jul 2007

:: Waukee Cycling & Fitness joins as BIKEIOWA Sponsor (7/1/2007 - 138 views)

 Jun 2007

:: MILLER MUSIC STOPS- RAGBRAI 2007 (6/26/2007 - 506 views)
:: BIKEIOWA GEAR Update (6/24/2007 - 346 views)
:: 9th Annual Stiff Ride - June 23rd (6/19/2007 - 222 views)
:: Hy-Vee Triathlon - my take (6/18/2007 - 557 views)

Cast your vote on the latest poll sponsored by Rasmussen Bike Shop.

How will you vote for the "Yes to Destiny" plan to raise the sales tax by 1 percentage point, to 7 percent?

Please support the BIKEIOWA sponsors! They make this site possible.
:: Barr Bicycle:: Bike Country
:: Bike World::
:: CycleSound:: Des Moines Cycle Club (DMCC)
:: Friendly Sons of St. Patrick:: Hosting Sponsors
:: Irwin's Bike & Sports:: Mid-Iowa Solid Waste Equipment Company
:: Miller Lite:: Rasmussen Bike Shop
:: Spindustry Systems Inc.:: Team Joker
:: Tshirt Graphix:: Waukee Cycling & Fitness

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