1200 Miles and a Cup'O Dirt!
Tue January 09 2007
Posted Jan 9, 2007
- 11,064
The All9Yards Cycling Team is promoting incentive to log lots of dirty miles this year! Simply log 12 dirty centuries during 2007 and recieve something super dirty cool - trophy case worthy (I don't know yet, but I have a long time to think about it!) Oakley Rob has thrown in a pair of Oakleys to be drawn from those who accomplish the dirty task. I'm gunna try to get some additional swag.
Details: Finish 12 centuries durting 2007 and get a prize. Each century must contain at least 80 miles of dirt, single-track, double track, gravel, grass... just not paved! Send me (Dave, the keeper of the dirty list) proof of your ride, photo of computer, photo or you on the ride, gps coordinates... whatever. Honor system and you live with the guilt if you cheat! There will be a special award for those who complete one per month, but you don't need to to qualify.
Watch www.cyclingupdate.com for details and follow the progress of participants!
note: www.cyclingupdate.com will be fully live by 1/30/07
Note to Eppens, Andre's, Logans and my wife, Dee. Tandem miles count double. Unfair, sure! Why, cuz I make the rules! 'cides, we pay double for every race we do, so we deserve some slack!
Note to everybody else: Don't get too worked up about the tandem thing. It's all in good fun!
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