
  • Tue November 28 2006
  • Posted Nov 28, 2006
The 2006 Carousel Volkswagen Jingle Cross is in the books. The results are posted on our website at Some of the facts:
  1. A Pro Tour rider, a 5x World Mountain Bike Champion with nearly 30 US National titles, A 6th place World Juniors Cross Rider, an Olympic Cyclist, and multiple current and former U.S. National Champions
  2. In one race, 3 current reigning U.S. National Champions in Sunday's Casey's/HandiMart Elite women's field.
  3. A huge cat 3/4 race both days with 60 riders on Rock 2
  4. I've heard estimations of 500 spectators for the final Elite events of the day. (I have no clue because I couldn't look up to see).
  5. Although we haven't got exact numbers yet, we estimate that we raised somewhere between $15,000 and $20,000 for the Children's Hospital of Iowa
A huge thanks go to Todd Gillihan for his work on the hill to make that course ridable....Zugs, Kim Sheets, Dan Schaffer, and countless others for coming thru on the course construction...John Olney for stopping in the middle of his pre-race day ride for stopping and helping build the course...Team Skin (Darcy and Jean and several others) for being all over the place...Mark Guthart for being the best damn referee.... Period!...and a huge thanks to my secretary Linda Shalla who none of you know. Before Saturday, she knew nothing about bike racing but was on the computer the whole weekend doing registration, results, etc, etc. Make no mistake...This was a joint effort by all of you and the cycling clubs and teams of Iowa have something to be very proud of...Team Skin, DICE, 2 Bee, Atlas, ICCC all pitched in. IF YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY, PLEASE GIVE A GREAT BIG THANKS TO OUR TITLE SPONSOR CAROUSEL VOLKSWAGEN AND PAT LIND, THE MAN WHO RUNS THAT GREAT DEALERSHIP. THEY DID AN AMAZING JOB AND WE'RE A PLEASURE TO WORK WITH. I'm sure I'm forgetting somebody so please forgive me. But I'm going to sleep now...see you next year! FULL RESULTS at John Meehan

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