
BIKEIOWA NOTE: Mark Wyatt was a finalist in the Culteral Leader - Legacy category!


Business Publications Corp. announced and awarded its inaugural News Changemaker Awards for 2023 on Wednesday evening at the company’s 20|40 event to celebrate the 20th anniversary of dsm magazine and the 40th anniversary of the Business Record.

The 18 finalists were selected from reader nominations, and readers cast more than 1,000 votes to determine this year’s winners. These awards recognize people and organizations making headlines within the Business Record and dsm magazine in business and culture.

The award winners and finalists are:


Cultural LeaderLegacy
This award recognizes a Des Moines-area cultural leader who has retired, plans to retire in the coming year, or is transitioning from their leadership role, for their outstanding career accomplishments and track record of community involvement.

  • Winner:Molly Phillipsexecutive director and general manager, Iowa PBS.Phillips is retiring from Iowa PBS after 34 years with the organization, the last 10 in her current role. Iowa PBS has thrived under her leadership, a time that included its 50th anniversary. During Phillips’ tenure, Iowa PBS expanded its programming and responded to new trends in broadcasting and technology including the addition of PBS Kids program and YouTube channels; multiple livestreams and on-demand viewing. She helped lead an organizational rebrand at the network and earned dozens of national awards and regional Emmys.
  • Finalist: Jeff Flemingdirector, Des Moines Art Center.Fleming retired after 25 years at the Des Moines Art Center, the last 18 as director.

  • Finalist: Mark Wyatt–executive director, Iowa Bicycle Coalition.Wyatt announced his retirement from the Iowa Bicycle Coalition in July, an organization he helped start and for which he served as executive director since 2006.







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